Te Estamos Grabando Cúcuta

As a result of 8 weeks of work, the participants of the "We are recording you Cúcuta" research sprint, -students of the UFPS in Cúcuta- made four podcast episodes as outcome of the process and analysis of their research projects. We invite you to listen to the podcasts and read more about these projects (in Spanish only).
Podcasts (in Spanish)
Safety perspective of students and teachers attending classes at night at the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander who use public transportation.
Mentor: María Fernanda Álvarez Angarita.
Participants: Diana Carolina Puentes Garcìa, Camilo Andrés Velázquez Ibarra, Emily, Parodi Rodríguez, Julian Andres Pico Montañez, Diego Andrés Suárez Vargas, José David Ropero Collantes, Bayron Ramírez, Sharon Ahydee Velázquez Melo, Jahel Katherine Martinez Rios, Jhoan Sebastian Avendaño Duarte, Marlin Dayana Botello Neira, Miguel Angel Ureña Pérez.
General Objective: To analyze the perception of safety of students and teachers who attend classes at night at UFPS and travel by public transportation.
Conclusions and findings: Among the major reasons for insecurity identified are those associated with the forms and attitudes of the drivers of transport services. Women are more affected by insecurity because they also face situations of harassment in public transportation. As a strategy to improve the perception of safety, people send the location to their families before taking the transport so that they can monitor them.According to the theory of routine activities, educational institutions are a focus of insecurity by exposing a large group of people to the same space where it can be easy to identify their schedules and routes.
Citizen security from undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities of the UFPS users of digital transportation platforms.
Mentor: Milton Alier Montero Ferreira.
Participants: Edgar Deivys Mendoza Mora, Yeiny Alexandra Casadiego Estevez, Valentina Camacho Campo, Jaider Enrique Martínez Martínez, Valentina Rodríguez Ortega.
General objective: To recognize citizen security from undergraduate students of the Faculty of Education, Arts and Humanities of the UFPS users of digital transportation platforms.
Conclusions and findings:
- The notion of security is linked to the guarantee of rights that the state must safeguard by generating safe spaces without the fear of being violated.
- Access to comments and ratings on transportation platforms generates trust in people in relation to traditional private means of transportation. On the other hand, the information provided by the application about the driver's data is useful to share the complaint in case of an event that is outside the norm.
- Although the transportation platforms show the driver's data, location and fare, this is not a guarantee of security. Cases of alteration of information, theft and sexual harassment have been reported.
- The place of the video cameras and the use offered to them is unknown, most of the time it is used by private persons to protect their properties, thus, in the public sphere security is not related to these means. Likewise, the perception does not improve either, since the few that exist are related to mitigating crime in marginalized areas that occasionally do not work.
Video surveillance, security and gender approach. Young university students tell their story.
Mentor: Liany Yetzira Hernández Granados.
Participants: Anggie Liseth Cercado Buitrago, Andrea Yulieth Rojas Montañez, Anny Vanessa Santander Quintero, Danna Shirley Garcia Perez, Genesis Gabriela Garavito Vera, Ibeth, Valentina Duran Guzman, Ingrid Johana Ramirez Rubio, Saraí Jauregui Peñaranda.
General Objective: To analyze the perception of security of young university women in relation to video surveillance in the public space of the city of Cúcuta.
Conclusions and results:
- The perception of young university women is of insecurity in the spaces of the city, without there being a difference in the times or hours in which they transit.
- There are no socially sanctioned actions against men who in any way indirectly harass women in the street. Some recurrent actions are: stalked by cars, bicycles, motorcycles in the public space, shouting, touching.
- As a result of all this, women withdraw from these public spaces because they perceive them as threatening, either because of their own or shared experiences, and this leads to personal and social impoverishment.
Analyze the impact and knowledge about video surveillance in public spaces in the city of Cúcuta from a student perspective, in terms of perception of security and the possible violation of citizens' rights.
Mentor: Erika Tatiana Ayala Garcia
Participants: Maily Daniela, Medina Hernández, Leonardo Andrés Jaramillo Sanabria, Luis Ángel Bermúdez Arredondo, Luis Yainer Barros Figueredo, Juan David Moncada Contreras, Sebastian Rojas Rolón, Ariadnny Yuranny Perez Gonzalez and Keily Alejandra Colmenares.
General Objective: To analyze the impact of video surveillance in public spaces from a human rights perspective.
Conclusions and findings:
- Among the students interviewed there is evidence of high perception of insecurity associated with aspects such as neighborhood insecurity.
- From a gender perspective, it stands out that women feel more insecure in public spaces and places not under video surveillance in the city.
- As an additional aspect, it was established that the lack of knowledge of the regulations and the use of the video surveillance system generates uncertainty among the population, who do not know with certainty how it is managed, who does it and which are the mechanisms for information management.